So I’m kinda dumb sometimes and I was wondering if it’s possible to impeach a mayor to get them out of office. So of course I did a Google search on “impeach the mayor”. Now I’m not sure if it’s just because Google searches use your region in the algorithm but it’s was quite funny to see that most of the top results involved our beloved Mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford aka “Quimby”. Can anyone else try the same search elsewhere and see if the same thing happens?
It turns out there is already a petition started on-line and they have over 50% of their goal. I’ve signed it myself so I urge you to do the same.
I didn’t want to just leave it at that though. I am sick and tired of this man ruining our fine city. He’s not a leader! He also doesn’t have the . . . → Read More: Edwin Current: Impeach Mayor Rob Ford "Quimby"